Friday, December 1, 2017

21 months....

Happy 21 months in Heaven sweet boy! How much fun must you be having? We had quite a full month in November with two Eating 4 Ezra events! I know you had to have seen ALL our friends and family come support, show their love, and help us spread awareness of SUDC! My heart can hardly handle the way people continue to support us and love you at the same time! 💙 We are so thankful for our tribe that has come along side us. Eternally thankful. I love you Ezra. These past few months have been hard. Not in a raw emotional kind of way. It’s been more of a press. Pressing through each day. There is not the unknown of how hard each 1st event without you might be. This year we know. And we have to do it again. 😢 This year Heaven doesn’t feel as close as our next breath as it did last year. This year is just different. And that’s ok. I have a feeling that every year will be completely different. The quest to live well on Earth while desperately missing someone in Heaven doesn’t have a play book. We are making our own. 😳 We are better people because we got to love you. ❤️ We are more compassionate because we lost you. ❤️ We have our minds on Heaven more often because of you. ❤️ These are just a few ways you have changed us. The list is way too long for this post. 😉 Love you so much E! 💙 Dance with Jesus little one...we are 21 months closer to you. #MissYouE

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